Just The Common Cold or A Real Sinus Infection?

Seek Fast Relief Today with the Right Diagnosis & Treatment

Welcome to My ENT Specialist

Led by Consultant ENT Specialists Dr Paul Mok and Dr Lau Hung Tuan, our clinic specializes in the treatment of sinus infection in Singapore. Sinusitis symptoms, whether acute or chronic, can often be triggered by a cold or during times of severe or ongoing nasal allergy symptoms. The most telling signs of sinusitis are yellow pus-like nasal discharge and painful pressure in the cheeks and forehead. At My ENT Specialist, we are equipped with the expertise and advanced technologies to accurately diagnose your sinus condition, assess its severity and customize a targeted treatment plan for you.

What's the Difference between a Cold and Sinusitis?

Is that sniffle of yours a mere common cold (rhinitis) or a sinus infection? With the symptoms of a common cold and sinusitis being very similar, spotting the difference between sinusitis and a cold is not always straightforward.

Difference in symptoms

Common colds (acute rhinitis) lead to a spell of runny nose, sneezing and itching. It is transmissible and may be passed on by close contacts. A cold is typically caused by viruses and can also cause sinusitis and create a breeding ground for bacteria.

Sinusitis usually results in thick or discoloured nasal mucus and nasal congestion. People also suffer from pressure headaches in their cheeks and forehead and may have altered sense of smell.

Measure the duration

If symptoms of what you thought was a cold last longer than 10 days without improvement, then that may well be a bacterial sinus infection.

Warning signs of bacterial sinusitis

Additionally, if you feel your condition are severe, you also have a fever with your nose condition or your symptoms improve then worsen with a vengeance, it may be due to a bacterial sinus infection.

Why Get Treated for Sinusitis?

In Singapore, sinus problems can be more persistent or recurrent because of the tropical climate. Common colds, allergies and other viral infections block up our sinus passages, and cause mucus build-up. The increased pressure within our sinuses gives rise to heavy-headedness, dizziness, pain, clogged nose and fever. It is common for us to get acute sinusitis after a viral upper respiratory tract infection (flu or cold). While most of us will recover on our own, some may require prompt and targeted treatment.

6 Good Reasons to See a Sinus Specialist

Sinusitis that does not improve on its own
Frequent attacks of sinusitis every year
Blood-stained or thick pus-like nasal discharge
Sinusitis that does not respond to antibiotics
Intense pressure headaches
High swinging fever

Our team of ENT specialists have more than 30 years of combined experience in the management of sinusitis. Speak with us to see how we can help you identify underlying conditions and advise you on how to keep sinusitis from recurring and becoming chronic.

Our Sinus Specialist

Dr Paul Mok

Senior Consultant ENT SurgeonMBBS, FRCS (Glasgow), FAMS (ORL)

Dr Mok is a Ministry of Health-accredited ENT specialist in Singapore. He has more than 20 years of experience and previously headed the ENT Head and Neck Service at Alexandra Hospital and Khoo Teck Puat Hospital before becoming the Deputy Chairman of the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital Medical Board. He is the present Chairman of the Singapore Academy of Medicine Chapter of ENT surgeons.

Dr Lau Hung Tuan

Consultant ENT Surgeon,MBBS (London), MRCS (Edinburgh),MMed (ORL), FAMS (ORL)

Dr Lau Hung Tuan is a Ministry of Health-accredited ENT specialist in Singapore. He has more than 10 years of ENT experience and has a clinical interest in upper airway breathing and sleep conditions. He is highly passionate about finding holistic and individualized solutions for his patients.

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